10+ Which Wall Should Be The Accent Wall
10+ Which Wall Should Be The Accent Wall from homyracks.com

As an interior designer, I have seen many homeowners struggle with choosing the right wall to accentuate in their homes. It can be a daunting task, especially when you don’t know where to start. In this article, I will share my personal experience and offer a step-by-step guide, as well as top tips and ideas, pros and cons, and my personal review on which wall should be an accent wall.

Step-by-Step Guide for Current Trends on Which Wall Should Be An Accent Wall

Step 1: Choose the Room

The first step is to choose the room in which you want to create an accent wall. Most homeowners choose the living room, but you can choose any room that you want. It’s important to choose a room that has a lot of natural light and a focal point, such as a fireplace or a large window.

Step 2: Choose the Wall

The second step is to choose the wall that you want to accentuate. The wall you choose should be the one that draws the eye and is the first thing you see when you enter the room. It can be a wall with a different texture or color, or it can have an interesting architectural detail.

Step 3: Choose the Color

The third step is to choose the color for your accent wall. The color you choose should complement the other walls in the room and the decor. You can choose a bold color or a subtle tone, depending on your personal preference and the style of your home.

Step 4: Choose the Material

The fourth step is to choose the material for your accent wall. You can use wallpaper, paint, wood paneling, tiles, or even stone. The material you choose should complement the other walls in the room and the decor.

Top 10 Tips and Ideas on Which Wall Should Be An Accent Wall

Here are some top tips and ideas to help you choose which wall to accentuate:

  1. Choose a wall that has a focal point, such as a fireplace or a large window.
  2. Choose a wall that has an interesting architectural detail, such as a niche or an alcove.
  3. Choose a wall that is opposite the entrance to the room.
  4. Choose a wall that has a different texture or color than the other walls in the room.
  5. Choose a wall that is not obstructed by furniture or other objects.
  6. Choose a wall that is not too large or too small.
  7. Choose a wall that is in a well-lit area of the room.
  8. Choose a wall that complements the decor and style of the room.
  9. Choose a wall that you love and will enjoy looking at every day.
  10. Experiment with different materials, colors, and textures to find the perfect accent wall.

Pros and Cons of Which Wall Should Be An Accent Wall

Here are some pros and cons to consider when choosing which wall to accentuate:


  • An accent wall can add visual interest and depth to a room.
  • An accent wall can create a focal point and draw the eye.
  • An accent wall can add color and texture to a room.
  • An accent wall can be a cost-effective way to update a room without a major renovation.
  • An accent wall can be changed easily if you want to update the look of the room.


  • An accent wall can make a room feel smaller and more cluttered.
  • An accent wall can be overwhelming if the color or texture is too bold.
  • An accent wall can clash with the decor and style of the room if not chosen carefully.
  • An accent wall can be difficult to paint or wallpaper if it has a lot of architectural details.
  • An accent wall can be too trendy and go out of style quickly.

My Personal Review on Which Wall Should Be An Accent Wall

Overall, I believe that an accent wall can be a great way to add visual interest and depth to a room. However, it’s important to choose the right wall and the right color and material to complement the other walls in the room and the decor. I recommend experimenting with different materials, colors, and textures to find the perfect accent wall for your home.

Question & Answer and FAQs

Q: Can I have more than one accent wall in a room?

A: Yes, you can have more than one accent wall in a room, but be careful not to overdo it. Multiple accent walls can make a room feel cluttered and overwhelming. Stick to one or two accent walls at most.

Q: What is the best color for an accent wall?

A: The best color for an accent wall depends on the other walls in the room and the decor. Choose a color that complements the other colors in the room and the style of your home. Bold colors can be great for accent walls, but make sure they don’t clash with the rest of the room.

Q: Can I use wallpaper for an accent wall?

A: Yes, you can use wallpaper for an accent wall. Wallpaper can add texture and pattern to a room, but be careful not to choose a pattern that is too busy or overwhelming. Make sure the wallpaper complements the other walls in the room and the decor.