What's bidet and how to use it?
What's bidet and how to use it? from freepassenger.com

As someone who grew up in the United States, I was never exposed to bidets until I traveled to Europe for the first time. I was confused by the contraption next to the toilet and didn’t understand its purpose. However, after using one, I was immediately hooked. Bidets are a game-changer and have completely changed the way I think about personal hygiene.

What Does A Bidet Do?

A bidet is a plumbing fixture that is used for cleaning oneself after using the toilet. It uses a stream of water to wash away any residual waste and leaves you feeling clean and refreshed. It is often found in countries like Italy, Japan, and France, but is becoming more popular in other parts of the world as people recognize its benefits.

Step by Step Guide for Current Trends on “What Does A Bidet Do”

  1. Install a bidet attachment on your toilet.
  2. Adjust the water temperature and pressure to your liking.
  3. Use the bidet after using the toilet by sitting on the bidet seat and turning on the water.
  4. Clean yourself thoroughly with the water stream.
  5. Use toilet paper or a towel to dry off.

Top 10 Tips and Ideas on “What Does A Bidet Do”

  1. Invest in a bidet attachment for your toilet to save money on buying separate bidet fixtures.
  2. Choose a bidet with adjustable water pressure and temperature for maximum comfort.
  3. Use a bidet to reduce your environmental impact by using less toilet paper.
  4. Consider a bidet with a heated seat for added comfort during cold weather.
  5. Use a bidet to reduce the spread of germs and bacteria, especially during cold and flu season.
  6. Use a bidet to relieve discomfort associated with hemorrhoids, constipation, and other digestive issues.
  7. Teach your children to use a bidet to promote good hygiene habits.
  8. Travel with a portable bidet for use on-the-go.
  9. Use a bidet to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections and other health issues.
  10. Consider a bidet with a built-in air dryer for a completely hands-free experience.

Pros and Cons “What Does A Bidet Do”


  • Increased cleanliness and hygiene
  • Reduced environmental impact
  • Relief from discomfort associated with digestive issues
  • Less use of toilet paper
  • Reduced risk of urinary tract infections


  • Initial cost of purchasing a bidet attachment or fixture
  • May require additional plumbing and electrical work for installation
  • May not be as effective for people with limited mobility or disabilities
  • May not be available in public restrooms

My Personal Review on “What Does A Bidet Do”

Overall, I highly recommend bidets to anyone interested in improving their personal hygiene and reducing their environmental impact. While there is an initial cost involved in purchasing and installing a bidet, the long-term benefits far outweigh the cons. I have noticed a significant improvement in my own personal hygiene since using a bidet, and have also saved money on toilet paper. I encourage everyone to try a bidet and see the benefits for themselves.

Question & Answer and FAQs

What is the difference between a bidet and a toilet?

A toilet is used for eliminating waste, while a bidet is used for cleaning oneself after using the toilet. A bidet uses a stream of water to wash away any residual waste, while a toilet uses gravity and water to flush waste away.

Do bidets use a lot of water?

No, bidets use significantly less water than flushing a toilet. In fact, bidets can help reduce water usage by eliminating the need for excessive toilet paper.

Do bidets work for everyone?

While bidets are generally effective for most people, they may not be as effective for people with limited mobility or disabilities. Additionally, bidets may not be available in public restrooms, which may pose a challenge for some individuals.

Are bidets expensive?

The cost of a bidet can vary depending on the type and quality of the fixture. However, bidet attachments for toilets are generally affordable and can be easily installed without the need for professional plumbing or electrical work.

Can I use a bidet if I have sensitive skin?

Yes, bidets can be a good option for people with sensitive skin as they use water to clean rather than abrasive toilet paper. However, it is important to choose a bidet with adjustable water pressure and temperature to avoid any discomfort.