Pros and Cons Converting Bathtub to Shower
Pros and Cons Converting Bathtub to Shower from

Last year, I decided to update my bathroom and give it a fresh new look. However, I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on a complete renovation. After doing some research, I discovered the option of reglazing a bathtub. I was intrigued by this process and decided to give it a try. Here’s what I learned about the pros and cons of reglazing a bathtub.

Step by Step Guide for Reglazing a Bathtub

Step 1: Clean the Bathtub

The first step is to clean the bathtub thoroughly. This includes removing any soap scum, mildew, or stains. Use a bathtub cleaner and a scrub brush to clean the surface. Rinse the bathtub with water and let it dry completely.

Step 2: Repair any Damage

If there are any chips, cracks, or holes in the bathtub, they need to be repaired before reglazing. Use a bathtub repair kit to fill in any damage and let it dry completely.

Step 3: Apply the Reglazing Solution

The reglazing solution is applied using a spray gun or roller. The solution needs to be applied evenly and in thin layers. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the amount of time needed between coats.

Step 4: Let it Dry

The reglazing solution needs to dry completely before using the bathtub. This can take up to 48 hours, depending on the manufacturer’s instructions.

Top 10 Tips and Ideas for Reglazing a Bathtub

  1. Make sure the bathtub is completely clean before starting the reglazing process.
  2. Repair any damage before reglazing.
  3. Use a high-quality reglazing solution for best results.
  4. Apply the solution in thin layers for an even finish.
  5. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for drying time between coats.
  6. Use a respirator mask and proper ventilation when applying the reglazing solution.
  7. Avoid using abrasive cleaners on the reglazed surface.
  8. Use a non-slip mat in the bathtub to prevent slipping.
  9. Avoid using bath oils as they can damage the reglazed surface.
  10. Regularly clean the reglazed surface to maintain its appearance.

Pros and Cons of Reglazing a Bathtub


  • Cost-effective: Reglazing a bathtub is much cheaper than replacing it.
  • Quick process: Reglazing can be completed in a few days, compared to a complete renovation that can take weeks or months.
  • Customizable: Reglazing solutions come in a variety of colors and finishes, allowing you to customize the look of your bathtub.
  • Eco-friendly: Reglazing a bathtub is a more environmentally friendly option than replacing it.


  • Not a permanent solution: Reglazing only lasts for a few years and will eventually need to be redone.
  • Not suitable for all bathtubs: Reglazing is not recommended for bathtubs that are severely damaged or have previously been reglazed.
  • Requires proper ventilation: The reglazing solution can emit harmful fumes, so proper ventilation is necessary.
  • Can be messy: The reglazing process can be messy, and the solution can be difficult to clean up if not done properly.

My Personal Review on Reglazing a Bathtub

Overall, I am happy with my decision to reglaze my bathtub. It was a cost-effective way to update my bathroom and give it a fresh new look. The process was relatively quick and easy, and the end result looks great. However, I do understand that reglazing is not a permanent solution and will eventually need to be redone. If you’re looking for a quick and affordable way to update your bathtub, reglazing is definitely worth considering.

Question & Answer and FAQs

Q: How long does reglazing a bathtub last?

A: Reglazing can last for several years, depending on the quality of the reglazing solution and how well it is maintained.

Q: Can all bathtubs be reglazed?

A: No, reglazing is not recommended for bathtubs that are severely damaged or have previously been reglazed.

Q: Is reglazing a bathtub safe?

A: Reglazing can emit harmful fumes, so proper ventilation is necessary. It’s also important to use a respirator mask and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

Q: How much does it cost to reglaze a bathtub?

A: The cost of reglazing a bathtub can vary depending on the size of the bathtub and the quality of the reglazing solution. On average, it can cost between $300 to $600.