Is It Worth It To Repair Blinds, & How Much Do Blinds Cost To Replace
Is It Worth It To Repair Blinds, & How Much Do Blinds Cost To Replace from

Have you ever tried to lower your blinds, only to find that they won’t budge? It can be frustrating and leave you feeling like you’re stuck with a window that’s always covered. However, fear not, because there are several ways to fix blinds that won’t go down.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Check for Obstructions

The first step in fixing blinds that won’t go down is to check for any obstructions. Sometimes, something as simple as a piece of string or a small object can get caught in the mechanism and prevent the blinds from lowering. Take a close look at the blinds and make sure there’s nothing blocking them.

2. Check the Cord

If there are no obstructions, the next step is to check the cord. Sometimes, the cord can become tangled or knotted, preventing the blinds from lowering. Gently shake the cord to see if it’s loose, and if not, try to untangle any knots or kinks.

3. Adjust the Tension

If the cord is fine, you may need to adjust the tension. The tension on the cords controls how tight the blinds are when they’re fully lowered. If the tension is too high, the blinds will be difficult to lower. Locate the tension adjustment mechanism and adjust it as needed.

4. Check the Brackets

If none of the above steps work, you may need to check the brackets. Sometimes, the brackets that hold the blinds in place can become loose, causing the blinds to stick. Check the brackets and tighten any loose screws or bolts.

Top 10 Tips and Ideas

Here are some additional tips and ideas for fixing blinds that won’t go down:

  1. Use a lubricant, such as WD-40, to loosen any stuck mechanisms.
  2. Replace any broken or damaged parts.
  3. Ensure the blinds are properly aligned in the brackets.
  4. Clean the blinds to remove any dirt or debris.
  5. Use a hairdryer on a low heat setting to soften any stuck cords.
  6. Try using a different cord or string if the original one is damaged.
  7. Take the blinds apart and clean each piece individually.
  8. Ask a professional for help if you’re unsure about how to fix the blinds.
  9. Consider replacing the blinds if they’re old or damaged beyond repair.
  10. Maintain your blinds regularly to prevent future issues.

Pros and Cons

While there are several ways to fix blinds that won’t go down, there are also some pros and cons to consider:


  • You can save money by fixing the blinds yourself instead of buying new ones.
  • You can learn a new skill and feel accomplished.
  • You can customize the blinds to your liking by replacing parts or adjusting the tension.


  • Fixing the blinds yourself can be time-consuming and frustrating.
  • You may need special tools or equipment to fix the blinds properly.
  • If you’re not careful, you could damage the blinds further.

My Personal Review

As someone who has fixed their fair share of blinds, I can say that it’s definitely possible to fix blinds that won’t go down. However, it can be a bit of a trial-and-error process, and it’s important to be patient and careful. I’ve found that checking for obstructions and adjusting the tension are usually the most effective solutions. However, if you’re not comfortable fixing the blinds yourself, it’s always a good idea to ask a professional for help.

Question & Answer / FAQs

Q: What if my blinds won’t go up?

A: The same steps can be used to fix blinds that won’t go up. Check for obstructions, adjust the tension, and make sure the brackets are secure.

Q: How often should I maintain my blinds?

A: It’s a good idea to clean and maintain your blinds every six months to prevent issues and prolong their lifespan.

Q: What if I can’t fix the blinds myself?

A: If you’re not comfortable fixing the blinds yourself, or if the issue is too complex, it’s best to ask a professional for help. They can diagnose the problem and provide a solution.